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Aircraft Icing

AeroTex awarded research programme on anti-icing coatings (SURFICE)

1st October 2020 by

AeroTex is part of a consortium that won a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training network (MSCA-ITN) call.  The programme, SURFICE, combines the capabilities of seven University research groups and three industrial partners to develop effective and sustainable anti-icing technologies.  With the funding, the partners will be able to fund thirteen talented young researchers to become the next generation of specialists in icing technologies.  The programme focusses on the development, modelling and application of low-adhesion coatings as part of measures to mitigate ice build-up in the sectors of aeronautics, energy and automotive.

The programme start on 1st January 2021, with the early stage researchers being in position by the middle of next year.  More information and details of the research positions will be arriving shortly on the programme website (currently under development – check back soon!).